HTML Sitemap
- Blakely v. Washington
- Expunctions
- Orders of Non-Disclosure
- Jury Selection
- Fraud/S.E.C. Investigations
- High Cost of DWI Arrest
- Missouri v. Seibert
- Texas Singled Out in ABA Report
- Governor Announces CPS Investigation
- Link Between Crime & Lead Exposure
- Justice Kennedy's Remarks on Sentencing
- Strike 2 for Sentencing Guidelines
- Meds Being Restricted Due to Meth Fears
- Department of Justice Response to Supreme Court Decision in Blakely
- Sample Blakely Motion to Reduce Sentence
- New Case: 5th Circuit & Blakley
- NACDL Weighs In on Blakley
- Court Grants Portion of Motion to Compel
- Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit-Dallas Jail
- Getting Out Early-Federal Prison Drug Program
- Data Privacy & The 4th Amendment
- Can Prosecutors Buy Testimony?
- Murder Case Reversed-Fort Worth,Texas
- Another Recent Reversal
- Texas Parole Definitions
- District Judge Barred From Cases
- Texas Probation Overhaul Bill: Big Changes?
- Expunction Bill Passes Texas House
- One to Watch-Due Process
- Discovery Bill Not Dead-Yet
- Probation Overhaul Bill Passes
- DWI Breath Test: To Blow Or Not To Blow
- The CSI Factor-Jury Trials
- Plea Racket Bill Passes
- New Texas UCW Law
- United States Supreme Court Reverses Arthur Anderson Conviction
- Solid Sentencing Memorandum, Post-Booker
- Another Good Federal Sentencing Memorandum
- Post-Booker Sentencing Information-No Plea Agreement
- Dallas County Jail-Pathetic
- Associated Press Story, June 3, 2005
- News Story
- Intoxilizer 5000: Hiding the Ball
- "CSI effect"-DMN column June 21, 2005
- How Bad is the Dallas County Jail? The Dallas Morning News Articles & Editorials Tell the Story
- Newest DMN Editorial-Dallas Jail Problems
- DMN Editorial:Dallas County Jail
- Excellent Federal Venue Motion
- DMN Continues Scrutiny of Dallas Jail-Jim O'Neill
- New DWI Case-Field Sobriety Tests
- Recent Virginia DWI Case:Law Unconstitutional
- If You Can't Argue the Facts: Observer Story Re: Jail
- Dallas Jail: Here We Go Again
- Dallas Jail Computer Problems
- Dallas Observer Slams Jail
- Finn & Broden Team-Up For Federal Success
- US Supreme Court to Decide Home Search Issue
- Breath Test Source Code Controversy
- The Department of Justice Investigates Dallas Jail
- What to Expect from DOJ Visit-DMN
- Pulle & Dallas Observer Continue to Hammer Jail
- Mentally Ill Languish: Dallas Morning News
- Dallas DA Shootout: Texas Lawyer
- DMN- Man Lost in Jail 15 Months
- (AP)CNN Report-Cheney Hunting Accident
- The Associated Press: Hunting Accident
- DMN & DOJ: So Much For the Silver Star
- Dallas Jail & Dallas Observer: Mas del Mismo
- Dallas Jail Fail State Inspection for Third Straight Year: DMN
- Quit Reading those Jim O'Neill DMN Stories!
- Polygraph Results: Washington Post Article
- Polygraph Results: Washington Post Article
- Judge Slams US Attorney
- Dallas Jail: Dallas Morning News Story
- Lies, damned lies & misstatements
- Dallas County Jail: On & On.....
- Sheriff Alters Policy: No Longer Lost in Space?
- Dallas Observer Story
- DOJ Report: Preview
- Associated Press Report: Dallas Jail & DOJ
- The Dallas Morning News
- Starting to See a Pattern? Deliberate Indifference
- How To Pour $1 million Down A Black Hole
- Another DMN Editorial on the Jail
- New Hires: Dallas Morning News
- It's Official: Terri Moore Joins Dallas DA Office
- The Blame Game Continues-DMN
- Dallas DA's Office Takes Shape-Texas Lawyer
- New DWI Decision-Miami Herald
- Federal Motion-Reduced Sentence
- Pattern? What Pattern? Dallas Observer
- I Get The Feeling That Something Ain't Right..
- South Texas DA Arraigned on Corruption Charges-Associated Press
- Federal Officials on Jail/ WFAA-TV
- Sample Voir Dire-Real Case
- The Case Changed Everything-James Mims
- Dallas County Settles Federal Jail Case
- Dallas Jail-Dallas Business Journal
- Settlement- Associated Press
- Phones in Dallas Jail
- Settlement: The Dallas Morning News
- Waxahachie Daily Light-Legal Battle
- Judge Removed From Case-The Daily Light
- Factors to Consider in Drug Possession Cases
- New Dallas D.A.-Texas Lawyer
- DMN Editorial: Dallas Jail-More of the Same
- Dallas Observer-Glenna Whitley, April 2007
- A New Day: Texas Lawyer-Mark Donald
- Tenacious T: Texas Lawyer-Miriam Rosen
- Dallas Morning News-Kevin Krause, April 2007
- Enumerated Police Officer List
- National Do Not Call List-Act Now!
- Texas Legislature Targets Dallas Jail-Dallas Morning News
- Dallas Bar Anecdotal History Live-Transcript
- DPD Quota System?
- Perverted Justice-WFAA, Channel 8, Dallas
- Information: On-Line/Criminal Solicitation of a Minor
- DMN: Feds Watching Dallas Jail
- New Case-Texas Class C Expunctions
- Motion for Judicial Clemency-Sample
- Finn Teams up with Dan Cogdell and Mike Gibson in Dallas DISD Case
- New U.S. Supreme Court Decision-Sentencing Guidelines
- Coach Not Indicted: Dallas Morning News
- Federal & State: What's the Difference?
- Texas Lawyer: Felony DWI & Murder
- Downward Departure Upheld: Recent Opinion
- Confrontation Clause Alive & Well in Dallas
- Bogus Prosecution Costs the Feds $$$
- Legal Ethics Information & Websites
- Presumption of Innocence? Guess the Judge
- Now, The Voice of Reason (In Dissent)
- US Sues Dallas County in Federal Court over Jail
- Dallas Observer Story: Brady v. Maryland
- County Tries to Spin DOJ Lawsuit-Nice Try
- Court: Government Action Unconstitutional
- Sealing Juvenile Records in Texas
- Collin County Fireworks in Court
- New Dallas Grand Jury Policy-Texas Lawyer
- Judge Knize Redux-
- Crack Cocaine & Federal Court
- New Case Summary-January 2008
- New DWI Case-Texas Court of Criminal Appeals
- Dallas Grand Juror Blogging-DMN
- 6th Circuit: Acquitted Conduct & Booker
- DWI Technical Supervisor Testimony-David Burrows
- New Case- Confrontation Clause in Texas
- Texas Law re: Occupational Drivers License
- Nice Motion by Clint Broden
- Federal Reserve Board Aims to Curtail Predatory Lending Practices
- Predatory Lending-Is it a Crime?
- FBI Statistics/Report
- 2006 FBI Financial Crime Report
- Supreme Court Continues to Undercut Sentencing Guidelines
- Gall v. United States
- Gall & Kimbrough: Crime and Punishment in Federal Court
- More Great Federal Sentencing Stuff from Amy Baron-Evans
- Updates to the Adam Walsh Act: John Teakell, Milner & Finn
- Texas Federal/State Comparison: George Milner,III., Milner & Finn, Dallas, Texas
- Federal Misdemeanors-List
- New Supreme Court Decision-April 23, 2008
- Texas FLDS Case
- Dallas Jail-DMN & DOJ Report
- Expunction Update-July 2008
- David Finn on WFAA News Dallas
- Federal Convictions Reversed-2008
- Holder Should Support Executive Order On Attorney-Client Privilege
- Attorney-Client Privilege Reform Needed
- U.S. Supreme Court has had it with District Courts
- Federal Deferred, Nonprosecution Deals Fall by 60%
- Orders of Non-Disclosure
- Scalia Rocks
- New Texas Cases-March 2009 via Cheatham & Flach
- Stanford's No. 2 Davis Cooperating in Probe
- Stanford Aide To Help In $8 Billion Fraud Probe
- NPR-Stanford
- Stanford Update
- Attorney-Client Privilege Reform Needed
- Holder Should Support Executive Order On Attorney-Client Privilege
- "My Baloney has a first name, it's A-L-L-E-N"...
- Dallas Observer Stanford Story
- Stanford Update-Bloomberg
- New York Times Article
- New Supreme Court Case-Criminal Law
- David Finn - Stanford CFO Plea Interview
- Lawyer: Greed May Explain Former Stanford Associate's Actions
- Accused financier Stanford hospitalized hours before ex-finance chief pleads guilty
- Former Stanford CFO Cooperates With Feds
- "Blood Oath" Sealed Stanford Deal, Court Is Told
- David Finn Interviewed Regarding Felony Deportations
- Former head of Dallas’ Solar Soccer club indicted on charges he stole $800,000.
- Jury begins deliberations in concert assault case
- David Finn Defends Gun Violation
- Dallas DA’s office issues more subpoenas in investigation of sitting judge
- Highland Park family weighs options after son linked to TCU busts by mistake
- No indictment for Addison woman who took gun on airplane
- D Magazine's "Best of Dallas 2013" Issue - Best Lawyers in Dallas.
- Judge Orders Release of Dhawan Family Vehicle
- Standing up to Bully Judge
- Me on TV Show "I (Almost) Got Away with It."
- Ted Nugent's Wife Arrested with Gun at Texas Airport
- Chosen by Legal Peers as One of the best criminal defense lawyers in Dallas
- Mother Arrested For Alleged Murder of 10 Year Old
- Texas Boy, 10, Found Dead; Mother Charged With Murder
- Initial autopsy results in Frisco boy's death inconclusive; mom out on bond
- Husband Maintains Wife’s Innocence in Son’s Death
- Collin County medical examiner rules death of Frisco boy undetermined
- Judge orders Frisco police to return some items to family of dead boy
- Confusion follows Frisco boy's death; culture clash may be a factor
- The 2014 List of Dallas' Best Criminal Defense Lawyers - as voted by their peers.
- Wrongful death suit filed in 10-year-old’s drowning at Balch Springs park pond
- Family suing Balch Springs after daughter drowns in park's pond
- Balch Springs 10-Year-Old Drowns
- Dallas News Article: Did Legal Cloud Play a Role in Frisco Couple's Deaths?
- Lawyer Demands Independent Probe in Dhawan Case
- Attorney wants Frisco police to release note found at home of couple
- Dallas County DA Fight Stirs Talk of Inquiry into Judge Elizabeth Frizell
- Milner and Finn Host Reception for DA-elect Susan Hawk
- Manziel's Attorney Says Assault Indictment to Come Tuesday
- Deceptive Business Practices in Texas
- What is Fraudulent Use of Identifying Information?
- Defending Federal Conspiracy Charges in Texas
- Not Guilty Verdict! Defense of Alleged Wife on Husband Assault Prevent Mother From Seeing Her Kids
- In The News
- Texas Board of Legal Specialization
- About Attorney David Finn
- Latest From Our Blog
- Interview
- Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer State and Federal Case FAQ’s
- What are "Orders of Nondisclosure"?
- I have not been charged with a crime, but I am being investigated by state and/or federal authorities, what should I do?
- I have been arrested. How does bail work and how do I make bond?
- How do I find an attorney & what fees will I be charged?
- "Board Certified" in Criminal Law – What does that mean?
- When deciding which attorney I should hire does it make a difference if I am charged in federal court?
- Will it help if my attorney was a former prosecutor?
- Am I eligible for a court appointed attorney? Do I want one?
- I already have an attorney, but I am not happy with the attorney? What are my options?
- Do I need an investigator or experts to help defend my case?
- What should I do if I am stopped on the road for possibly driving under the influence of alcohol?
- How long might it take to resolve my case if I am charged with an offense in Dallas County?
- What are some of my important rights in State Court?
- What is the difference between "Straight Probation" and "Deferred Abjudication Probation"?
- I have been offered a plea bargain instead of going to trial. In State Court, Should I accept the plea bargain?
- I am not a United States citizen, does that make a difference?
- I lost my trial or pleaded no contest or guilty in State Court, but I am not satisfied with the outcome, is there anything I can do?
- What are some of my important rights in federal court?
- I am charged with a drug offense in federal court and have heard that there are severe penalties for drug cases in federal court, is that true?
- I have been offered a plea bargain instead of going to trial in federal court. should i accept the plea bargain?
- I have to meet with a probation officer who will be preparing my pre-sentence report, should my lawyer offer to go with me to this meeting?
- I either lost my trial or pleaded guilty in federal court, but i am not satisfied with the outcome. Is there anything i can do?
- Will i serve my whole sentence in a federal case?
- Different Levels of Offenses
- How the Case is Filed and Processed
- What Happens When I Go To Court?
- What are the roles of various courtroom personnel?
- What are courtroom do's and don'ts?
- What are common Texas parole definitions?
- How Does the Case Proceed?
- What is the significance of the Dallas Criminal Lawyer Client Interview
- What is Importance of having the presence of a third person?
- How are the Fees Arranged with a Defense Lawyer
- What is "Right To Council"?
- What is Lawyer-Client Confidentiality?
- Hiring an Attorney & Making Bond
- Criminal Defense in State Court
- Library of Motions
- Library of Motions - Sarbanes-Oxley
- Library of Motions - Parallel Proceedings
- Library of Motions - Federal Discovery Letter
- Library of Motions - Motion to Inspect Evidence
- Library of Motions - Defendant’s Brief In Support Of Defendant’s Motion To Suppress Evidence
- Library of Motions - Motion for Hearing On Voluntariness of Any Admission or Confession
- Library of Motions - Motion to Suppress Evidence Seized Without a Warrant
- Library of Motions - Motion To Suppress Evidence
- Library of Motions - Motion To Summon Out-Of-State Witness And For Advance For Expenses
- Library of Motions - Motion To Shuffle Jurors
- Library of Motions - Request For Notice Under Rule 404(b)
- Library of Motions - Motion For Production Of Witness Statements
- Library of Motions - Motion For Pre-Trial Hearing
- Library of Motions - Order Granting Motion To Suppress
- Library of Motions - Motion For The Court To Direct The Court Reporter To Take Voir Dire Examination Of The Jury And All Final Arguments In The Above-Styled And Numbered Cause
- Library of Motions - Motion To Suppress
- Library of Motions - Motion To List State's Witnesses
- Library of Motions - Motion In Limine Regarding Voir Dire Examination On Fifth Amendment Rights
- Library of Motions - Motion In Limine – Extraneous Matters
- Library of Motions - Motion In Limine Regarding Application For Probation
- Library of Motions - Defendant’s Motion To Elect The Jury To Assess Punishment
- Library of Motions - Motion For Production And Inspection Of Grand Jury Minutes
- Library of Motions - Motion To Dismiss Indictment For Improper Grand Jury Procedures
- Library of Motions - Motion To Reveal Witnesses And Extraneous Offenses
- Library of Motions - Motion For The Production Of Exculpatory And Mitigating Evidence
- Library of Motions - Motion For Early Release From Probation
- Library of Motions - Motion For Discovery Of Witnesses
- Library of Motions - Motion For Discovery And Inspection Of Evidence
- Library of Motions - Motion For Discovery
- Library of Motions - Motion To Discover Criminal Records Of Witnesses
- Library of Motions - Motion To Disclose Expert Witnesses
- Library of Motions - Designation Of Record On Appeal
- Library of Motions - Defendant's Motion To Elect The Court To Assess Punishment
- Library of Motions - Motion With Reference To Arraignment Of The Accused
- Library of Motions - Application For Probation
- Library of Motions - Defendant’s Reply To Government’s Response To Defendant Agee's Motion For Notification Of Dates Of Birth For Three Co-Defendants
- Library of Motions - Combined Motion And Memorandum In Support For Bill Of Particulars
- Library of Motions - Motion To Dismiss Or Transfer Based Upon Venue
- Library of Motions – Defendant's Request For A Minimum Sentence Pursuant To 18 U.S.C. Section 3553(A) Factors & Motion For Downward Departure Pursuant To U.S.S.G 5k2.0
- Library of Motions – Motion To Quash Indictment And Exception For Failure To Provide Sufficient Notice Of Crimes Charged
- Library of Motions – Motion To Quash Indictment And Exception For Failure To Provide Sufficient Notice Of Crimes Charged
- Library of Motions – Defendant Lewis’s Motion And Incorporated Memorandum For Production And Inspection Of Brady Material And/Or Information Which May Lead To Evidence
- Library of Motions – Defendant's Motion To Remove Elm As Condition Of Bond
- Library of Motions – Defendant's Trial Brief On State’s Failure To Amend The Indictment
- Library of Motions – Comparison Between State Criminal Practice And Federal Criminal Practice
- Library of Motions – Crawford Update
- Library of Motions – Attacking HGN
- Library of Motions – Funding Motion For Investigator/Mitigation Specialist
- Dallas Federal Criminal Defense Attorney
- Texas State Criminal Defense Attorney
- Dallas Criminal Appeals Attorney
- Practice Areas
- News Videos
- Contact Us
- Home Alt Version
- Dallas Juvenile Crime Defense Attorney
- What is the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) and its role?
- Stanford's Lawyers Subpoena Attorney of Key Witness
- UPDATE: Grand jury clears Little Elm attorney who carried gun onto plane at D/FW Airport
- Ex-Stanford exec tells jurors bank's profits faked
- Jurors agreed early that Stanford was guilty
- No indictment for Addison woman who took gun on airplane
- David Finn is instrumental in stopping execution
- Judge's finding on testimony in drug case puts Garland officer under scrutiny
- Charge Dropped Against Dallas Officer Who Drew Gun on Urinating Man
- Fingerprint failure by Dallas County, Alabama sheriff's officials puts innocent man in jail 4 months
- Stay of execution granted for man convicted in '99 Pleasant Grove murder
- Coach Not Indicted: Dallas Morning News
- Bully on the Bench
- Judge Removed From Case
- County OKs $950,000 payout to families of 3 mentally ill ex-inmates
- Is jail papering over problems?
- Dallas Jail Fails State Inspection for Third Straight Year
- Cheney Could Face Charges in Shooting
- Pulle & Dallas Observer Continue to Hammer Jail
- What to Expect from DOJ Visit-DMN
- The Department of Justice Investigates Dallas Jail
- Judge defines defense's access to documents in fake-drug case
- Lawsuit: Mentally ill abused at jail
- Charge Dismissed in Airport Gunshot Case
- 40 under 40 - Judge Finn named one of the top lawyers in the state by Texas Lawyer
- Judge Finn Helps Mentally Ill Offenders and Families
- Playing Hardball - The Feds pitch a shutout in the area's first 'three strikes' case
- The Practice - Visiting Mongolian judges studying state's justice system
- Keeping safe - Ministry's counselors to work with convicted batterers in jail
- Texas State Case Results
- Federal Case Results
- Dallas, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer State & Federal Case Results
- Dallas On-line Solicitation of a Minor for a Sexual Purpose Attorney
- Grand Jury Representation
- Texas Medicaid and Medicare Fraud Defense Attorney
- Federal Sentencing - Immigration
- Sitemap
- Martindale
- Federal Sentencing - Age
- Federal Sentencing - Sex Offenders
- Federal Sentencing - Race & Socio-Economic Factors
- Federal Sentencing - Incarceration of Non-violent Drug Offenders
- Dallas TX White Collar Crime Defense Attorney
- PPC - Dallas Federal Crime Defense Attorney
- PPC - Dallas White Collar Crimes Defense Lawyer
- PPC - Dallas Drug Related Offenses Attorney
- Thank You
- Lower Bail Sought for Son of Ex-Cowboys Player
- Comey was warned, yet failed to shut down rogue informant suspected of murder
- Under Indictment, or Why I Talk to Raccoons
- Privacy Policy
- Disclaimer
- David Finn Interviewed About Wesley Mathews' Appeal of Lifetime Prison Sentence
- David Finn Interviewed About Legal Drama Surrounding the Amber Guyger Murder Trial
- Dallas Criminal Lawyer David Finn Interviewed On Amber Guyger Trial Prosecution & Defense Plan
- David Finn Gets Architect of Massive Medical Kickback Scheme Light Prison Term
- Plea Bargaining, Plea Deals, And Pleading Guilty In Federal Court - Frequently Asked Questions
- David Finn Named Texas 'Super Lawyer' For 17th Straight Year
- PPC - Dallas Criminal Charge Defense Attorney
- David Finn Interviewed On Zephaniah Trevino and Philip Baldenegro Murder Charges & Sex Trafficking Allegations
- Home New Featured
- David Finn Asked For His Thoughts on New Dallas County Court Software Implementation
- David Finn Asked For His Thoughts on State Investigation into Dallas County Juvenile Probation Department
- David Finn Asked For His Thoughts on Uvalde School Shooting and Will Anyone Face Criminal Charges?
- What Clients Are Saying